Introduction post
My first post! About a year ago I decided to start a food blog. Well, what’s taken her so long! Over thinking, fear of failure, procrastination, to name just a few. And the technical part and the necessary partnership with social media has been daunting and still is. Thanks to the professional coaching of Sonder Coaching and Consultancy, I finally jumped in. About two years ago I returned to The Netherlands, after 15 happy years in Asia. It has not been an easy transformation and I might not ever feel at home here. My beautiful memories have always been important to me, and become even more important when that’s a big part of what is left from this significant period in my life. As a photographer, I have lots of images. But for me the best way to return to happy times is food. The smell and taste of the amazing food I had there, is what transports me back, in an instant and with a force that my mind who is hosting all these memories, is not capable of doing. So food it is! I hope you will join me on this new journey!